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Colloidal Silver

- Blue Ridge Silver -

Laser Proven Quality


5 ppm


10 ppm


25 ppm

In dim light using a red laser beam shining through the 5 ppm Blue Ridge Silver in a clear glass, you can barely see some of the millions of tiny silver particles because most of them are so tiny that even the laser light barely reflects off of them. Those millions of particles are as small as 0.8 nanometer (0.0008 micron) in diameter. That’s just a few times larger than the silver atoms themselves. The 5 ppm Blue Ridge Silver is perfect to take for regular daily maintenance as suggested or to take in more frequent intervals when extra immune support is needed for short periods of time As you can see by the increase in laser light reflectivity compared to the 5 ppm Blue Ridge Silver, the 10 ppm Silver is made up of many more reflective particles of silver. The solution is still clear under normal lighting conditions. The 10 ppm Blue Ridge Silver is versatile for use in spray bottles to boost immunity when extra internal support is needed on the go.

The even more vibrant beam of laser light reflecting through the 25 ppm Blue Ridge Silver indicates the presence of even more laser-illuminated silver particles. But it’s interesting to note that although the reflected laser light is noticeably more intense with the 25 ppm silver than with the 5 and 10 ppm solutions, the particles still appear to be of a similar size, and the solution is still clear under normal lighting conditions. The 25 ppm Blue Ridge Silver is also perfect for use in spray bottles. 

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