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Blue Ridge Silver, Inc. promises is to produce and distribute the purest and highest quality colloidal silver at the most affordable prices.



100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee:

If you are not completely satisfied with any Blue Ridge Silver product, simply notify us and we will refund your money.


We are committed to producing the purest and best quality colloidal silver and to provide you with the best service at affordable prices. We produce all colloidal silver products in small batches, and we guarantee that every silver product you purchase is made from only 99.99% pure silver and purified pharmaceutical-grade distilled water and meets the highest standards of quality.  We add NO salts, proteins, stabilizers, or other additives.



Blue Ridge Silver products are safe when taken as directed. They do not discolor the skin, the 5 ppm silver products are virtually tasteless and odorless, and they are all nontoxic and have no recorded negative side effects when taken as directed.

Blue Ridge Silver products are produced slowly in small batches using only 99.99% pure silver and purified distilled water.  Our processes consistently produce some of the best colloidal silver possible -- with silver particles as small as 0.8 nanometer (0.0008 micron) in diameter.

These silver micro-particles are primarily positively-charged ions which quickly move throughout the body. Researchers estimate that as much as 98% of the silver in products such as ours is excreted within the first 24 hours of consumption.

According to the EPA, the recommended safe daily limit of silver if taken daily over a lifetime of 70 years (RfD) for a 160-lb person is 364 mcg/day, and the critical dose (safe daily maximum) for a 160-lb person is 1,090 mcg/day. These amounts equate to roughly 2-1/2 and 7-1/4 ounces per day of our 5 ppm colloidal silver or 1-1/4 and 3-5/8 ounces per day of our 10 ppm colloidal silver which far exceeds the suggested daily serving amounts.

Therefore, if taken as directed, it is practically impossible to experience the extremely rare side effect called Argyria which causes a benign but unsightly discoloration of the skin caused by consuming large amounts of large particles of silver, such as is commonly found in silver salts, silver nitrates, silver with protein stabilizers or other silver compounds. Some scientists report that colloidal silver products like those produced by Blue Ridge Silver cannot possibly cause argyria, so our colloidal silver will never turn you blue when taken as directed.

Do be aware, however, that when first taken, you should drink plenty of water, and if you start to feel run down then drink more water and cut back on colloidal silver intake for a few days.


Blue Ridge Silver colloidal silver products are very effective as dietary supplements.  Just one ounce of 5 ppm colloidal silver reportedly contains over 1,000 trillion silver ions that go to work to produce benefits in our bodies. 

People used to obtain larger amounts of silver and other minerals through the food they ate.  Before chemical fertilizers and pesticides were introduced into farming, most minerals were absorbed through the roots from the soil of small farms which was rich in living organisms.  These organisms would break down organic material in the soil like the leaves from large nearby trees which absorbed minerals from deep underground so that more shallow fruit and vegetable root systems were provided minerals in a form instantly usable to the plants.

Hence, we would obtain silver naturally from the minerals present in organically grown fruits and vegetables.  If, however, we eat fruits and vegetables that have been grown using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as most large farms do today, without living organisms in the soil to help provide beneficial nutrients to the plants, we do not get the quantity and quality of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to thrive.  Although silver is not officially recognized as an essential nutrient, when taken as a dietary supplement it can be very beneficial.  

We receive reports frequently of how pleasantly surprised our customers are regarding various benefits experienced while taking Blue Ridge Silver products.  


*Below is a list of some references to scientific and medical studies demonstrating some of the uses and benefits of colloidal silver.

-Searle, A. B. The Use of Colloids Health and Disease (Quoting from the British Medical Journal, May 12, 1917 p.83), E.P. Dutton & Company, New York, 1919, p.75

- Treatment of Orthopedic Infections with Electrically Generated Silver Ions  by Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D, 1978. USA.

-R O. Becker, et al., "Electrochemical Mechanisms and the Control of Biological Growth Processes," in Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 10, pp. 289-338, publ. Plenum Press (1971). USA. 
-R. E. Hall, et al., "Inhibitory and Cidal Antimicrobial Actions of Electrically Generated Silver Ions," J. Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., vol. 45, pp. 779-784 (1987). USA. 
-R. O. Becker, et al., "Experience With Low-Current Silver Electrode Treatment of Nonunion," in Electrical Prop. Bone & Cartilage (ed. C. T. Brighton, et al.), Grune & Stratton (1979), USA. .
-J. A. Spadaro, et al., "Experience With Anodic Silver in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis," 25th Ann. ORS Mtg., Feb. 20-22, 1979. .
-R. O. Becker, et al., "Treatment of Orthopaedic Infections With Electrically Generated Silver Ions," J. Bone & Joint Surgery, vol. 60-A, pp. 871-88 (1978). USA. .
-R. O. Becker, et al., "Clinical Exp. With Low Intensity Direct Current Stimulation of Bone Growth," Clin. Orthop. & Rel. Res., vol. 124, pp. 75-83 (1977) . USA. .
-T. J. Berger, et al., "Antifungal Properties of Electrically Generated Metallic Ions," Antimicrob. Agents & Chemother., vol. 10, pp. 856-860 (1976). USA. .
-T. J. Berger, et al., "Electrically Generated Silver Ions: Quantitative Effects on Bacterial & Mammalian Cells," Antimicrob. Agents & Chemother., vol. 9, pp. 357-358 (1976) USA. .
-J. A. Spadaro, et al., "Some Specific Cellular Effects of Electrically Injected Silver & Gold Ions," bioelectrochem. & Bioenergetics, vol. 3, pp. 49-57 (1976. USA. .
-J. A. Spadaro, et al., "Antibacterial Effects of Silver Electrodes With Weak Direct Current," Antimicrob. Agents & Chemother., vol. 6, pp. 637-642 (1974). USA. .
-M. R. Urist, et al., "Bone Morphogenesis in Implats of Insoluble Bone Gelatin," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 70, No. 12, Part I, pp. 3511-3515 (1973). USA.

-The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker ISBN 0688069711 Quill, New York or William Morrow & Company

-Schuan, Tom, Ph.D., Burgdorfer, Willy Ph.D. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, January, 13, 1995

-Dr. M. Paul Farber, M.P. N.D., Ph.D., D.C. Author of the "Micro Silver Bullet TM" 4th Edition, November 1996 ISBN 1-87742-00 X Pages XIII & XVI