Why did the FDA Issue a Warning Letter to Blue Ridge Silver?
According to the Warning Letter (Click to View) we received on Feb 5, 2019, we had been posting articles and customer reviews on our website in which colloidal silver users made claims that taking colloidal silver has helped them prevent, treat, or cure various diseases.
According to FDA rules, since our Blue Ridge Silver colloidal silver products are classified as dietary supplements and not approved drugs, we cannot promote or endorse claims that say our products can be used to prevent, treat, or cure health conditions or diseases. We responded quickly and removed the articles and testimonials that violated FDA rules.
What is Colloidal Silver?
Our Colloidal Silver is a pure, all natural clear liquid consisting of pure distilled water and submicroscopic nano-particles of 99.99% pure silver. Blue Ridge Silver, which is particulate and ionic in nature, is manufactured by a non-chemical process resulting in the nano-particles of silver being held in suspension with an electric charge on each particle.
Is Colloidal Silver safe to consume?
Yes; for thousands of years, silver has been a popular metal for producing eating utensils, drinking containers, and coins. Trace amounts of silver have been consumed by people for thousands of years. The US Environmental Protection Agency classifies silver as non-carcenogenic and practically non-toxic for human exposure and consumption (EPA-738-F-93-005, Silver R.E.D. Fact Sheet).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Center reports no toxicity listing for colloidal silver. These reports seem to reflect that it is considering it harmless in any concentration. Other studies and information also show that colloidal silver is safe, and when taken as directed colloidal silver has no negative side effects.
A colloid is a collection of sub-microscopic particles that do not dissolve but remain suspended in a solution. Blue Ridge Silver colloidal silver particles are so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye. These silver particles generally fall within the range of 0.0005 - 0.015 microns in diameter which are so tiny that they remain suspended in water.
A colloid is a collection of ultra-fine particles that do not dissolve but remain suspended in a solution. Blue Ridge Silver ultra-fine silver particles are so small they do not reflect natural light. That's why our products are clear in appearance. The silver particles generally fall within the range of 0.0005 - 0.015 microns in diameter. These particles are electrically charged and so tiny that they remain suspended in water.
How is Colloidal Silver made?
Blue Ridge Silver produces ionic colloidal silver slowly in small batches using electric generators that utilize an electrolysis process that causes extremely fine silver nano-particles to be suspended in distilled water. This method replaces the need for any chemicals, stabilizers or proteins which have been shown to reduce product effectiveness, and the resulting product contains ionic and particulate colloids of silver. Blue Ridge Silver produces colloidal silver slowly in small batches using generators that utilize an electrolysis process that causes extremely fine silver nano-particles to be suspended in distilled water. This method replaces the need for any chemicals, stabilizers or proteins which have been shown to reduce product effectiveness, and the resulting product contains pure ionic colloids of silver.
Which is Better: Ionic or Particulate Colloidal Silver?
According to an article written by Steve Barwick of The Silver Edge who is a health journalist entitled, "Ionic Versus Particulate Colloidal Silver: the Great Debate," ionic colloidal silver is better. Here's an excerpt of Mr. Barwick's article:
"Actually, ionic colloidal silver solutions are not in the least bit inferior to particulate colloidal silver solutions. Unfortunately, the myth that the particulate form of colloidal silver is somehow superior to the ionic form has been perpetrated by some individuals on the internet who have a financial self-interest in selling an overly-expensive bottled commercial particulate-based colloidal silver product.
The reality is that the ionic form of colloidal silver is the form used in hundreds of clinical studies carried out since the early 1900's. Even Dr. Robert O. Becker's ground-breaking research into the effectiveness of electrically generated silver ions, conducted at Syracuse Medical University during the 1970's and 1980's, attributed the astonishing [benefits] of silver to the silver ion, i.e., the ionic form.
What's more, Dr. Becker used a small electrical device that generated very low micro-amps of current in order to produce his silver ions within the human body -- a device very much like the tiny colloidal silver generators used today which also exclusively make the ionic form of colloidal silver ingested by millions of people across North America..."
Does particle size matter?
Yes; particle size is a highly critical factor. Much of the effectiveness of any colloidal silver solution depends on the actual size and uniformity of silver particles. Large particles are much less effective in improving immunity. According to many researchers, the preferred particle size for optimum results and safety of use should be from 0.0005 - 0.015 micron or 0.5 - 1.5 nanometers in diameter. (one micron = one millionth of a meter). Blue Ridge Silver products particle sizes are well within this range. Yes; particle size is a highly critical factor. Much of the effectiveness of any colloidal silver solution depends on the actual size and uniformity of silver particles. Large particles are much less effective in boosting immunity support. According to many researchers, the preferred particle size for optimum results and safety of use should be from 0.0005 - 0.015 micron or 0.5 - 1.5 nanometers in diameter. (one micron = one millionth of a meter). Blue Ridge Silver products particle sizes are well within this range.
Why is your colloidal silver clear or transparent?
An excellent indicator of the quality and particle size of Colloidal Silver is the color. As the size or concentration of the silver particles increases, the color of the solution changes from clear to yellow to amber to brown or dark red or grey to black. As particle size increases they reflect a broader range of light within the spectrum. Colloids of silver that are produced using the latest electrolysis methods are lighter in color than the grind or chemically produced colloids, except in the case of some products that contain artificial food coloring to change the color. The ideal color of Colloidal Silver is clear to very pale yellow/amber.
An excellent indicator of the quality and particle size of Colloidal Silver is the color. As the size of each silver particle gets larger, the color of the solution changes from clear, to yellow, to amber, to brown or dark red or grey, to black. As particle size increases the silver particles reflect a broader range of light within the spectrum. Colloids of silver that are produced using the best electrolysis methods are lighter in color than the grind or chemically produced colloids, except in the case of some products that contain artificial food coloring to change the color. The ideal color of Colloidal Silver is clear to very pale yellow/amber.
How can I verify that colloidal silver really contains silver particles?
One way to verify the presence of silver particles is to shine a laser light beam through the solution. The silver will reflect the laser light but will not be visible in normal light.
Some people verify the presence of silver using the "milk test" by which you pour two small glasses of milk. Add two teaspoons of colloidal silver to one glass and nothing in the other. Let both sit at room temperature for several days and check the results. The one without silver will spoil much quicker than the one with silver.
Another way to test for silver is to pour a few ounces of colloidal silver into a white container and let it sit at room temperature. After a few days, depending on room humidity, all of the water will evaporate leaving a gray fine silver powder at the bottom of the container.
If you try to speed up the evaporation process by heating the colloidal silver on the stove or microwave, then many of the silver particles will escape with the steam due to the greater energy levels and agitation which will leave little if any silver dust.
One way to verify the presence of silver is to pour some of the colloidal silver in a white cup or bowl, store it in a dry place, allow time for all the water to completely evaporate, and see the gray silver dust remaining on the bottom of the container.
Another way is to shine a laser light through the colloidal silver. The light from the laser beam will reflect off the silver particles. The higher the concentration of silver, the brighter the light appears.
 5 ppm |  10 ppm |  25 ppm |
In dim light using a red laser beam shining through the 5 ppm Blue Ridge Silver in a clear glass, you can barely see some of the millions of tiny silver particles because most of them are so tiny that even the laser light barely reflects off of them. Those millions of particles are as small as 0.8 nanometer (0.0008 micron) in diameter. That’s just a few times larger than the silver atoms themselves. The 5 ppm Blue Ridge Silver is perfect to take for regular daily maintenance as suggested or to take in more frequent intervals when extra immune support is needed for short periods of time | As you can see by the increase in laser light reflectivity compared to the 5 ppm Blue Ridge Silver, the 10 ppm Silver is made up of many more reflective particles of silver. The solution is still clear under normal lighting conditions. The 10 ppm Blue Ridge Silver is versatile for use in spray bottles to boost immunity when extra internal support is needed on the go. | The even more vibrant beam of laser light reflecting through the 25 ppm Blue Ridge Silver indicates the presence of even more laser-illuminated silver particles. But it’s interesting to note that although the reflected laser light is noticeably more intense with the 25 ppm silver than with the 5 and 10 ppm solutions, the particles still appear to be of a similar size, and the solution is still clear under normal lighting conditions. The 25 ppm Blue Ridge Silver is also perfect for use in spray bottles. |
What about the ppm (mg per liter) – what concentration is best?
Many studies indicate that in the range of 5 - 50 ppm (parts per million or mg/l), colloidal silver is best when taken as a dietary supplement. As concentrations increase beyond this range, the particle size generally increases as well.
Many studies indicate that in the range of 1 - 50 ppm (parts per million or mg/l), colloidal silver is highly useful to boost the immune system. Studies also show that depending upon the method of production usually as the silver ppm increases the particle size typically increases as well. Therefore, low concentrations of colloidal silver typically contain the smallest silver particles which are typically more effective.
How does silver naturally get into the body?
We obtain silver and other minerals through the food we eat. Before chemical fertilizers and pesticides were introduced into farming, all necessary minerals came from the soil of small farms which was rich in living organisms. These organisms would break down organic material in the soil like the leaves from large nearby trees so that fruit and vegetable root systems were provided minerals in a form usable to the plant.
Hence, we would obtain trace amounts of silver naturally from the minerals present in organically grown fruits and vegetables. If, however, we eat fruits and vegetables that have been grown using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as most large farms do today, the quantity and quality of essential vitamins and minerals that we receive is diminished. Although silver is not officially recognized as an essential nutrient, when taken as a dietary supplement it can be very beneficial.
We consume silver and many other minerals through the food we eat. So how does silver get into food? In plants silver along with many other minerals are absorbed and transferred into fruits and vegetables through organic soil where living organisms consume and break down the nutrients in the soil into sub-microscopic particles that are absorbed along with water in a colloidal state through the roots of the plant.
Then of course, by consuming those fruits and vegetables, the colloidal minerals are then transferred through the blood stream to the various tissues of our body. Hence, we consume silver in a tiny amounts from plants. We also obtain silver through the consumption of free range meats and wild caught fish. In fact, studies show that wild oysters and many sea weeds are very rich in silver.
Some researchers suggest that the produce from smaller farms that employ organic and sustainable practices is more rich in minerals like silver because the farms are surrounded by large trees whose roots go deep and absorb many minerals that transfer into the leaves that fall each year and decompose over the winter depositing those minerals into the topsoil for crop enrichment.
How much colloidal silver should a person take per day?
The US Environmental Protection Agency publishes a reference dose (Rfd) for silver which is an estimate of daily exposure to the entire population that is unlikely to be associated with a significant risk of adverse effects over a lifetime. The current Rfd for oral silver exposure is 5 micrograms/kg/day with a critical dose estimated at 14 micrograms/kg/day. Based on this Rfd, a 150 pound adult can safely and regularly consume approximately 350 micrograms/day or 70 ml (2.4 ounces) of 5 ppm colloidal silver per day or 196 ml (6.7 ounces) of 5 ppm colloidal silver per day for short periods of time.
The US Environmental Protection Agency publishes a reference dose (Rfd) for silver which is an estimate of daily exposure to the entire population that is unlikely to be associated with a significant risk of adverse effects over a lifetime. The current Rfd for oral silver exposure is 5 micrograms/kg/day with a critical dose estimated at 14 micrograms/kg/day. Based on this Rfd, a 150 pound adult can safely and regularly consume approximately 350 micrograms/day or 70 ml (2.4 ounces) of 5 ppm colloidal silver per day or 950 micrograms or 196 ml (6.7 ounces) of 5 ppm colloidal silver per day for short periods of time.
Therefore, many people take up to 2.4 ounces of 5 ppm colloidal silver each day for daily immune system maintenance and larger amounts for short periods of time when their immune system is compromised. Just remember to drink plenty of water especially during the first week because usually large numbers of pathogens are rapidly exterminated within the body and the excretory systems work tirelessly to flush out the dead germs.
Are there any known side effects from using ionic colloidal silver?
Aside from the Herxheimer effect, there are no recorded side effects in medical literature from the use of ionic colloidal silver unless the person is allergic to silver. Additionally there has never been a recorded case of a drug interaction. It is non-addicting, the body does not build up a tolerance to it, most is flushed out of a body within the first few days of consumption, and studies show that ionic colloidal silver is not deposited under the skin like silver salts and other silver compounds with larger particles that have been shown to cause the greyish/blue skin condition called Argyria when taken in large doses over long periods of time.
Aside from the Herxheimer effect (described below), there are no recorded side effects in medical literature from the use of ionic colloidal silver unless the person is allergic to silver. Additionally there has never been a recorded case of a drug interaction. It is non-addicting, the body does not build up a tolerance to it, most is flushed out of a body within the first few days of consumption, and studies show that ionic colloidal silver is not deposited under the skin like silver salts and other silver compounds that have been shown to cause the greyish/blue skin condition called Argyria when taken in large doses over long periods of time.
Since colloidal silver kills germs, a detoxifying reaction can occur which is called the Herxheimer effect. This is a temporary flu-like condition resulting from the overloading of the body's excretory systems caused by the massive die-off of pathogens. Therefore, if you begin to feel run down after first taking or increasing your consumption of colloidal silver, then reduce your intake for a few days and drink more water to aid in the body's detoxification process.
We cannot over stress the importance of consulting a licensed medical practitioner if you have serious concerns.
Prior to the discovery of electricity in the late 1800's people who could afford to eat using true silverware and store or drink beverages in silver containers often unknowingly enjoyed many of the healthy benefits of silver.
With the discovery of Penicillin and other less expensive anti-biotics in the 1930's and 40's, the use of colloidal silver diminished. Recent breakthroughs in technology and manufacturing that have occurred within the past 40 years have brought the price down so that colloidal silver in now very affordable.
Numerous articles in medical journals of colloidal silver can be found dating before 1940. New articles and clinical trial results are appearing frequently as more people rediscover this safe and effective silver mineral solution.
Of course, many pharmaceutical companies work diligently to prevent people from learning about the many benefits of drinking colloidal silver in order to the protect their profits.
Do I still need to visit my family doctor if I use colloidal silver?
Yes; always consult a medical doctor if your conditions look serious, begin to look serious, or if they persist or worsen. In no way do we even remotely mean to imply that this product or any alternative methods will or can replace your family doctor.
For thousands of years. Silver is mentioned in the Bible. Royalty stored water in silver vessels in the belief that this water would help them maintain their health. Before refrigeration was invented, a silver dollar was placed in containers of milk to maintain freshness. Silver was used by the wealthy to help maintain good health before the advent of penicillin in 1938.
How Long will Colloidal Silver last?
Pure colloidal silver has no expiration date. When kept at room temperature out of sunlight, our colloidal silver will remain usable and effective indefinitely.
Can Colloidal Silver be Given to Pets?
Yes; and remember to seek the advice of a registered veterinarian whenever you have questions about your animal's health.
Colloidal Silver can be given alongside other products recommended by your vet to help maintain health and vitality in your pets. Colloidal Silver has shown dramatic results in the case of very young animals such as foals and calves scouring. Given with a syringe by mouth twice daily it has the most beneficial effect.
Cats with absesses may be treated both internally and externally with good results. It has been observed that many animals gain weight and energy following a course of colloidal silver suggesting that their general wellbeing is enhanced.
For larger animals such as horses, symptoms such as coughs and colds, hoof absesses and eye infections respond best by administration of a high dosage for 5 days followed by the daily recommended allowance.
Remember to seek the advice of a registered veterinarian whenever you have questions about your animal's health.